Welcome to a new series of Samantha Elisabeth! As I'm growing this blog and trying to tap into different interests, I've been brainstorming and putting together ideas to share more than just my Instagram feed or random thoughts. This is the first official series that I really wanted to get off the ground because as someone in her early twenties, I know what it's like to be a little uncertain about your career. By interviewing these individuals and learning more about their businesses and how they started, I hope to learn and, furthermore, share what I have discovered with all of you. These people can be recent graduates like myself or full fledged business owners. The important factor is that they love what they're doing, and they don't dread going to work each day.
A note on the video! Did anyone else watch "Ugly Betty" when it was on? I loved that show in all its zaniness, but nothing caught my attention and stuck with me quite like the ending scene when Betty's working in London and, basically, being the amazing person she was growing into the last four seasons. I remember I watched that ending scene, and a part of me knew I wanted a snapshot of my future career life to look something like it.
Anyhow, the first interviewee will be Angie Myers with her brand new company, Helene USA! Here's a sneak peak:
I began to envision and create a brand that is all at once casual and chic. Pieces that need no special occasion to be worn; at the beach, by the pool or an evening out on the town with the girls.
P.S. Yes, this would be #68 on my 101 in 1,001 days list!
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