This trip was one of those where everything seemed to line-up perfectly! I managed to wrangle in one of my sisters, Aly, and her boyfriend to join me for this concert benefiting InsideNK and featuring the Ahn Trio at the Kennedy Center Sunday night around Thursday night/ Friday morning. Then my long awaited background check came in Saturday, and I happened to have brunch with my 3G who invited me to crash on her couch in DC so I didn't have to drive so much. By the time I was running out of work at 4 on Sunday, I had plans to be in the city (well, in the metro area!) from Sunday evening to Tuesday around lunch. Heavy traffic made the car ride closer to 4 hours on both ends, but it was so worth it! I got to the Kennedy Center with only missing a few of the opening remarks, and since it was held on the terrace level, we got to see the most beautiful view of the Potomac and the city at sunset during the intermission.
I also took advantage of being able to be near Korean food and ate it not once but twice! I met up with another sister, Nikki, and we went to Cafe Kimchi to get some Bimbimbap. Oh, how I've missed you... I also grabbed some Korean Fried Chicken (in soy garlic sauce!) at Banchon with my 3G before I left on Tuesday. It was a blast just hanging out and getting out of Pottstown for a change. I'm definitely a city girl through and through, and I can't wait to be in one!
Definitely recommend both places. My Korean food needs are satisfied for the time being (well, at least not as bad as they have been!). Hope everyone has a fun Fourth Weekend! I'll be working, of course!