

If you've been following my Instagram the last few days, you'll notice I've crossed my first thing off on my Graduation List: Go to New York City! My big, our friend, Sean, and I took my little to the Big Apple (her favorite place and mine) to celebrate her twentieth birthday. It was a huge surprise we managed to keep from her right up until we were leaving for Sean's house in northern Jersey when her grandmother accidentally spilled over the phone. Anyhow, I'll split these pictures up into different posts (including the first half of her birthday surprise!), but for now I'll share some of my favorite pictures from the city. Credits go to my big who was the only one to bring a non-phone camera haha.
Where "Cake Boss" is from, according to Corinne and Fran (I had no idea)
Waiting for the PATH train! Birthday girl is in the middle!
Being the college kids we are, we stopped in to visit the Museum of Sex...

Then to Little Italy for some dinner!

My big and I at Sofia's for dinner. It was absolutely delicious! 
Then to Ferrara's down the street for some gelato. I got Cappuccino and Nutella.
Of course, we stopped to see this street performer, and Fran got picked to be in the show (again!)!
Mandatory family pic in front of the tree.  City Family takes NYC!
Funny how around this time last year, my big was visiting me in Madrid, and now we have my little added to the family and we're in NYC. We're the City family, so who knows where in the world we might manage to find ourselves this time in a year? I'm personally thinking London... ;)

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