
Where I've Been...

Hello! I know I've been absent from blogging lately, and that's because I'm trying to be a real person! I have the best classes this semester (three English!), plus a fun job (even if it is 35 minutes away!), and some pretty great friends to hang out with. I've been a little bit busy, but things are starting to stabilize, and I've begun my usual lock-ins in the library with the intention of getting work done ahead of time (no end of year stress!). Some new things about the apparently new me:
  1. I like iced coffee. That Dunkin Donuts Coolatta? AMAZING.
  2. I go to bars...
  3. I go out on Thursday nights here...
  4. I enjoy running shorts in bright, obnoxious colors
  5. I bought a pair of $50 flip flops.y
  6. I also wear wedges/heels every time I work
Don't worry, though. Some things are pretty much the same:
  1. Half the time I may be early or late...
  2. Tea time three hundred times a day is still a must.
  3. I get sleep easily and want movie nights
  4. I get distracted my social media
  5. I bought a pair of $1 sunglasses
  6. I walk barefoot or in sandals almost every other hour of the day.

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