

Okay, so before I came up with Fitspiration with women because these were bodies I admired and wished myself to have (with reason, of course!). Now this time it's reverse. Men I think about while working out because they're hot and you know all that girl stuff that goes on up in our heads. I mean, if I'm going to work my ass off to try and achieve a hot bod and live a healthy lifestyle, I want my potential future husbands to be the same (even if said potential is a pipe dream). So for this addition, here are five men I think about while working out in the sense that I want to be in a bikini next to them on the beach someday.

1. Nathan Adrian
He's an Olympic swimmer from Washington/California, and I'm convinced he's the love of my life. Based on his twitter and interviews, of course. He's also 1/2 Chinese and over six foot, so I feel like it's destiny, really. Besides the fact that he's completely adorable, he's that kind of hot that makes you wanna drop profanities like some trashy chick from the south (I've been watching way to much "True Blood"!).  

2. T.O.P.

There's a number of Asian men on my list of cute, but T.O.P. (Choi SeungHyun) is hot. Like watch Big Bang videos or his personal videos/shoots, and you'll drool. Dude can pull of blue hair and still be gorgeous. I tried to find good pictures of him with his abs showing, but, I just liked this one better.

3. The Guys from "True Blood"

Like I said, "True Blood" is on the brain. These guys are in shirts here (and it's only three of the bunch on TB), but that's to convince you to watch the show. All of them are super hot. I don't know why I hold a candle for Stephen Moyer (he could be my dad!), but he's pretty hot for an older guy. And c'mon, Alexander Skarsgard! I also learned that Ryan Kwanten is actually Australian, which makes him even hotter than his Louisiana counterpart. And the level of male shirtlessness in this show is rivaled by maybe the amount of blood each person bleeds or drinks per episode.

4. Henry Cavill
Okay, so I totally had a crush on Henry Cavill initially because he played Charles Brandon in "The Tudors," and the story of Charles Brandon and Mary Tudor is one of my favorites of all times. But the guy is also so hot I want to stare at this picture all day. And he's British. I mean, let's be real. Genetically speaking, I feel he's totally blessed. Plus have you ever seen I Capture the Castle? Yeah. Yeah.

5. Leonardo DiCaprio
You all know how I already feel about Leo. I watched this crappy show one time where the girl was talking about how she would always think of Jack Nicholson as hot no matter how old or fat he got. That's how I feel about Leo. He will be beautiful and gorgeous even if he gains 100 pounds. Gosh, I love him.

Who's on your Menspiration list?


Weekend at OCMD

Also I literally have no bum.
This past weekend I had a mini vacation down in Ocean City, Maryland to visit one of my friends that I met while studying in Spain. We live in the same state and we haven't been able to see each other until now! Let's just say I soaked up a few too many rays (peeling skin is the worst), slept for most of the day in the sand, and caught up with her over everything we missed out in each other's lives this past semester. I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one who suffered serious coming home depression! We talked about what we wanted to do in the future too (ahem--be abroad!), and reminisced about the things we did in Madrid and Europe.
I also FINALLY got some crabs. I know, right? I've been a mostly-Maryland resident for the past three years, and I'm just now trying them? We got the all-you-can-eat special at Higgins, and gorged out crabs and corn. Let me just say, and I feel this way about oysters too, that for as much effort and cost that crabs entail, you do not get much meat in return. I need to try some soft shell crabs next.

Over all, it was a nice break between projects. My research with the C.V. Starr Center is more or less over, and now I'm off to do some interning and working at towns nearby. I think I need to do this more often not only this summer but into the school year as well. Take breaks and leave behind the stress of social and work life. The past two years were a study in not being able to balance myself, and I want to get it somewhat right before my life gets too crazy and my twenties take over.

Samantha Elisabeth


An Obsession with "True Blood"

Guys, I'm obsessed with "True Blood." It's a guilty pleasure, but I'm not one to feel guilt over much, so for me it's just a joyful obsession. I started somewhere in the beginning of June, and I'm at a point where I have to wait for the new season 6 episodes to come out. Yeah, that's a lot of binge watching, and if they ever come out with that as an addiction, I'm going to need to go to Binge Watching Anonymous and complete a 12-step plan. Obviously, this show as all the necessary addictive qualities: "forbidden" topic (vampires), hot men and women (who are also naked...a lot), a variety of love interests and triangles, and drama-on-drama-on-drama. Not to mention every episode pretty much ends on a cliff hanger, and you feel like you're watching an incredibly long movie that's divvied up into episodes and seasons. 

Basic Plot Line: Sookie Stackhouse is a waitress in the very small town, Bon Temps, Lousiana. Vampires have been out in the public for about two years with the creation of synthetic human blood, called True Blood. Sookie meets her first vampire, Bill Compton (turned during the Civil War) in the bar she works at, Merlotte's, and all of Bon Temps changes. Throughout the seasons, there's a serial killer, a maenad, more vampires both good and bad, old and young, the Vampire Authority, a vampire god(dess), vampire kings and queens, and much more.

I will say you grow wishy-washy on most of the characters, and I found myself a tad impatient with some of the side stories (Like who really cares about the meth-tiger plotline that just ended? Or the fire demon thing from Terry's war days? So far both seem fairly pointless), but over all, I love it.

You need to watch this show. It's the best thing to watch while plowing away those miles on an elliptical or treadmill. You also might not want to be faint of heart, because even the tenderest moments involve a lot of blood. Not to mention the killings, bloodbaths, "ghosts," and more. It's totally addictive though, and, at least for me, more relevant considering it's a show about vampires made for adults. 

By the way, I won't comment on the books because I haven't and don't plan on reading them. They sound on par with Fifty Shades and Twilight, and I have no interest treading down that path again.



So I just finished up the project I've been working on for the past month (see the working blog here), and now I'm in Ocean City for a little weekend vacation and a small reunion with one of my good friends from Spain (who's from Pennsylvania). We've been reminiscing on our time abroad and our friends and travels, and I''m feeling a bit nostalgic! I also snagged some pictures she forgot to put up from one of our last nights in Madrid and our last time in El Tigre. So here's a little throwback to December:
My Dutch friend, Stefan. And proof of my maturity.
Beth, the friend I'm visiting, is the one to the left of me.
His face!
Throw up what you know :)


[Style Files] Caroline's Mode

Back in the day, I was obsessed with lookbook.nu. Chictopia was cute, but Lookbook was just so cool. It's where the grungier style was more popular, and the people were more model than blogger. You made it on Lookbook, you were legit in my teenaged eyes. My favorite person by far was Caroline from Caroline's Mode. If you can't tell from my post of SNSD's Jessica--I like looks that are simple and seem comfortable. Everything Caroline wears has a few elements, some well place accessories, and a whole lot of style.
I love her take on floral and printed bottoms above. It's all about keeping everything else simple and to streamline the boldness of the bottoms so they mesh organically with their partners. You could easily recreate these looks as well: A tailored floral bottom, a solid color, comfortable shirt, and simple shoes. Muss the hair a little and viola
These are some of the more summery looks that I love. Girl can wear a pair of shorts and make them look chic. I like how the first picture has baggier shorts and the third one is the classic leather shorts. Both look equally stylish and streamlined. And, of course, my favorite is in the center!
And here are a few to think about for the fall. I love the end look in neon. The first look is pretty classic: leather jacket, skinnies, comfortable shirt, ankle boots. I think fur (the faux kind for me!) always elevates the look, and I've been wanting to get my hands on a vest since probably mid-high school.

Who's in your style files?



Me and my little sister--don't we look alike?
This past week my little sister graduated from high school! I can't believe it's been three years since it was me walking across that stage, and saying goodbye to that chapter in my life. Since that day I've been to two different continents, met so many more people,  done so many more things than I even imagined when I was tossing my cap up in the air. And now it's my baby sister! While I wasn't able to go to her actual graduation, I came home for her party, and of course we snapped a few pictures. Can you believe I'm the one who's three years older?
This was me. THREE years ago. WHAT?
And now I'm facing graduation from college. This time next year, I'll be saying goodbye to Washington, and I'm not entirely sure I'm ready for that. The strangest part about time passing is seeing the people that have come and gone from your life in just that short period of time. Also realizing how idiotic you sounded on social media forums when you were seventeen. Guys, I used and abused the word "totes."


[In the Mix]: Summer Songs of 2013

Popular Song | MIKA ft. Ariana Grande 
Guys, when's the last time you heard a song that sampled a song from Broadway? AND it's done by MIKA. 'Nough said. 
22 | Taylor Swift 
Judge me all you want. I love this song, and I want to dance around like a hipster. I've been waiting since 2008 for Taylor Swift to adopt this look! 
Hey Na Na | Katie Herzig
Kate Spade used this song in one of their collection videos this past year, and I fell in love with the song. It's pure fun.
Daylight | Matt and Kim  Do I even need to explain this one? 
I Want Crazy | Hunter HayesI usually have little tolerance for most of country, even though I respect the genre and like the singers more than other genres, but my tolerance grows when the summer months are near. And this song is so good. Plus Hunter Hayes is adorable. However, girls, this does not give you the right to be crazy mean! 
Carried Away | Passion PitIt's just bouncy and upbeat and catchy. Perfect for blasting out your window while driving to the beach! 
Love & Girls |소녀시대 This one is Japanese, and it's so fun. Just look at the video. Soshi breaks the SMEnt box and goes the streets!
Kiss You | One DirectionSay what you want about One Direction, I love their songs. I can enjoy company fabricated music as much as I respect indie singer-songwriters.  
Loving You | SistarThis came out last year and the MV takes place in Hawaii. It seriously has a pure summery feel. 
Kiss the Stars | Pixie LottI just think this is a great song that everyone should hear! I love Pixie Lott. 
Wild at Heart | GlorianaThis is one of those songs I identified as my summer song when it came out. I'll never forget seeing them open up for Taylor Swift in 2009--it was amazing
Echo | 소녀시대SNSD's my favorite group, sue me for putting them on twice! This one's in Korean, and the MV was filmed in Phuket. It's a very sweet, girly song.


[Sorority Stuff] Clue Week

Before I talk about Big/Little Reveal, I want to go way back in time to talk about my experience with Clue Week! In a nutshell, it's the week leading up to the reveal (ours is from Monday to Friday), and you slowly let your little know who you are.

Some bigs like to lie to their littles and flat out make things up or use other people's history. It's a bit of paranoia and a bit of excitement and nervousness when you're a little because about ten thousand "what-ifs" swirl around in your head. I kind of knew who my big was at the time, but I was also wary of being totally tricked because I wouldn't put it past half the people who were on my list! I do know, however, that I wanted her after we hung out at Birthday Ball together, and I was super relieved/excited when I found out it was her.

This year, however, was my turn to make the clues! Now before I delve into that, I want to talk a bit about the whole getting a little process. Guys, it's nerve-wracking--especially for people who are naturally socially awkward! The biggest fright is, "What if I don't get a little?" You don't want to spend the weekend buying things for clue week and reveal to find out you're not going to get one, right? You have to sort of wait and then buy all your clues last minute!

I followed my big's clues a little bit, but Pinterest created a monster in me, so I also got a leeetttleee carried away. My first clue (above) was a Bunny Basket because that's the unofficial animal friend of my sorority. I found this adorable poster and recreated it. I also made the basket turquoisey-blue because (again) sorority colors, but I also made a lot if pink because that's my favorite color (and one of hers as it turns out!). I filled it with fun things related to bunnies like ears and chocolate. Here I also asked her what her favorite things were as well as her schedule so I could plan accordingly.
My next few clues consisted of presents and posters like the ones above. My clues were pretty ambiguous, and I managed to do some pretty tricky things (like leaving her clue at the exact spot where she sits at in lab--courtesy of one of my friends in her lab!). They were clues, but they were also little presents. Like the above posters were of my favorite cities because I'm part of the City family, plus I love traveling. I strayed away from giveaways like K-pop and cat-crazy things!

Because I like lists, here's a list of what I did (from memory...)
  • Monday: Bunny Basket
  • Tuesday: Keep Calm, Little/Florence (Candle and Tea)
  • Wednesday: Dream Big, Little One/Paris (Pretty box with a book and a notebook in it)
  • Thursday: Something with London/Candy
  • Friday: REVEAL! (More on that later)
I know other sororities have a longer time period and more extravagant gifts. What's yours like?


Female Fitspiration

I think my favorite part about reading fitness blogs/books/etc is the cheesy yet fun spin on words they use. Like TIU uses "Booty Call" for your "Wake-Up Call" and, of course, Blogilate's name in and of itself! I just think it's fun, so I titled this post my Fitspiration because this is, as you may have guessed, a post based on famous-ish ladies who inspire me to be healthier and more fit.

1. Anna Paquin
I'm going to eventually write up a post about my newest TV obsession (like I really need more), "True Blood." One of the reasons why I think I like it so much is that I'm a) not a teenager anymore so the appeal of Twilight and Vampire Diaries are just not there for me and b) this show is like the ultimate work out inspiration. I put this on via HBOGo while I'm on the elliptical and the sight of Anna's figure in all her cute clothes/sex scenes/etc makes me look at my own figure and think, "Let's go a little faster..." Also (and this shall be a later post) the men on TB are all sorts of drool worthy, so that's added incentive! I really like these Self pictures, taken a little while ago by now, because they're how I picture myself in a bikini eventually...

2. The TIU Girls

Love. Love. Love. Love. LOVE them. I've been following them off and on for a few years now, knowing that if I just stuck strictly to their plan, I'd achieve what I want in my body and energy levels. Now that I'm getting older, have my own kitchen, and am no longer swimming two-three hours a day, I'm realizing the extent I need to rely on myself to get my body in the healthy state I want it to be. These girls are great, and if you follow the TIU lifestyle, you'll see results. However, I understand eating habits die hard, so it's good to start with their work outs and workout plans. My butt is still sore from their recent booty workout!

3. Olympic Swimmers

As a swimmer-swammer, of course I've grown up with the images of Olympic swimmers in my view. Natalie Coughlin is probably my main girl because she's on the shorter side (pictured in pink), and look at dem abs.

4. Reese Witherspoon

Say what you will about Reese-y now with her saddening/weird arrest, but we all know the world's jaw dropped a little when she made her post-Ryan Phillipe debut in this canary yellow dress. She went from America's sweetheart to straight up hot. I think she really took to exercise and living healthier post-break-up, and this version of RW will always be in my back pocket of fitspiration. Now if only her and Ryan had a chance of getting back together. Cruel Intentions will never be quite the same.

5. Carrie Underwood
Remember when Carrie was that slightly pudgy but not overly so chick that won "American Idol" back when AI was legit? Yeah, she got Hollywood-ified somehow and now she looks great. Her weight loss is always an inspiration to me because, again, she lost weight and she's around my height.

Who are your fitspirations?


[Tips & Tricks] 5 Apps You Need in Your Life

I have a lot of apps on my iPhone (let's be honest, Apple is taking over the world in that area!). I try to stray away from having too many games because it's way too easy to get caught up in playing them (Clash of Clans, anyone?), and you might complain about my generation's addiction to their cells, but there are a lot of apps that I find extremely helpful in day to day use. And I'm not just talking about Instagram, Twitter, etc apps either! These are just functional ones that I like and are free (because we all know I like my free stuff).

Google Chrome is my internet browser of choice, and all the new things they've add over the past few years have only made me more Google-dependent. I like Chrome because you can now sign on to it anywhere and essentially have the browser you have on your home computer. Meaning if you leave up a page on your laptop, you can access it immediately on your phone app. I hide my Safari app now and have Chrome as my internet browser.

2. Viber
With Viber you can call and text for free using internet connections. Aka as long as you can connect (via 3G or Wi-Fi), you can call you friend over in London for free. I had What's App while I was abroad, but it was hard because it a) costs money, so not a lot of my friends would get it and b) you can only text with it. I have Viber now, and I know I can keep in touch with my graduated and foreign friends who are out and about in the world! Also the customized background option is pretty neat.

Okay, even though I barely run, this app is great for me. It uses GPS to track you on your runs, and what I like is that it updates you every five minutes on how far you've gone and your average pace. You can also put things in manually, like an elliptical workout or whatnot. It also gives you calories burned based on the weight you enter in in the beginning.

4. Light
It works as a flashlight! For me it's great when I'm in bed, and I can use it to read. I'm a lazy person, so once I'm in bed, I have zero desire to get back out in order to turn off my light. Also it's good for, I guess, getting lost in sewers and other dangerous activities in the dark!

5. Royal Farms/McDonalds/Coupon-esque Apps
People. Free. Things. RoFo offers a free coffee as soon as you add the app. I don't know about Micky D's because I'm trying to stay away, but any chains like this that offer apps, get 'em! Free/discounted stuff is great.

What are you must-have apps?


For All You Girls...

Gosh, it's been years since I first saw this video, and I still love it now. Enjoy :)


The Confederate Flag: Discuss.

So. I've been trying to figure out what to think of the Confederate flag, and the way people display it. This particular post is sparked by this pin that some girl posted on her Pinterest board. Growing up near Philadelphia, I've never actually seen anyone casually have a Confederate flag bumper sticker or one waving from his or her roof like I have two hours away in Maryland (which, yes, I know, was a part of the Union during the Civil War). One of the frat houses had a flag hanging up in one of their brother's windows, and another used to raise it all the time (though they don't anymore). It's on cars, whether it's those little flags or a window decal or what-have-you. I've even seen it on someone's tube top. And I guess I'm conflicted on how I feel about it.

Obviously, growing up the flag was considered a no-no. No one in their right mind had a Confederate flag anywhere public in my town. I went to a high school that was definitely pretty level in black and white population (Asian was about 3, maybe...), and you would definitely get your ass handed to you if you strutted in with a C-flag on you. However, my parents raised me to be open minded and to question everything around me (well, maybe that was just innate). I read Gone with the Wind around seventh grade, and it's by far one of my favorite books ever (not just because Scarlett O'Hara is more like me than I'll ever care to admit). I guess I understand and sympathize with both sides of the story.

Here's the deal. No one sympathizes with black history in the US more than me. Just the thought of MLK makes me tear up in my overly hormonal stage. I was embarrassed when I heard the sororities at my school reportedly blackballed one of the first black female students here in the sixties (who went on to sit on the Board of Governors and Visitors!). I can barely read about the slave trade and the US without getting frustrated. I'm the person who's been telling people since middle school that MLK did not die, Rosa Parks did not stay in that seat, Harriet Tubman did not risk her life to help slaves escape for you to be throwing around the n-word, er or a-ending my foot, like it's common, friendly slang. (Usually it was much less eloquently than said here) I understand that, in a sense, the Confederate flag symbolizes all of this, and why seeing its presence can be highly uncomfortable.

Okay, now. On the flip side. My sensitive nature makes me quite prone to romance, and the thought of southern hospitality and a society "gone with the wind" gets all sorts of senses spinning. Like I said, GWTW is one of my favorite books ever, and I sympathize with people who want to believe in this southern notion that was stamped out during the war. Guys, I really like Robert E. Lee. I like to think he was a great guy, and he loved his home more than anything. Also, considering I started writing a book about the war (it's still in progress. Like, way in progress), I studied it pretty in depth (also I had a really good seventh grade history teacher). I recognize the complexities of the war go far, far beyond the issue of slavery. I can understand the idea of a confederacy fighting for a way of life--a pure, romantic ideal (um, WWI, WWII, the Spanish Civil War, the Korean War...). And I understand how all of this is manifested in the Confederate flag as well.

So which is it? Is it both?

Here's my thoughts on the matter. Personally, I think a lot of it strongly depends on the person beyond the C-flag decal/sticker/etc. I don't think it's fair to simplify the flag in either category. It's more likely that a person with a C-flag is displaying it in an attempt to stand for southern pride more than an attempt at obvious racism. I also think it's not fair for someone to simply wave it for southern pride and also deny that slavery didn't play a huge role in the Civil War. Just because it was the face of a much more complex war, doesn't mean it didn't play a strong part. To try and play it down in favor of trying to make the state vs. national argument stronger is a huge slight.

I think the flag stood for something noble at one point, and I think the people who have used since then it have bastardized it and created this sense of vilification. I'm sorry, but anything the KKK wants to use is not going to help anyone. They ruined pointy heads forever. If they used the original Betsy Ross flag, it would come into hot water as well. I also must add that the stereotypical rednecks who sport it all over their car aren't helping its PR either.

TL;DR I think the flag stands for different things, and it all depends on the people standing behind it. If you want to see it as a manifestation of racism and slavery, then it will be. If you see it as a manifestation of a time of chivalry and civility, than so be it. It is important to respect both view points. I'm still conflicted on how I feel about the flag and what it symbolizes. I've read both sides that defend their sides beautifully. I couldn't even tell you if I'd be a Union or Confederate sympathizer back in the day because I would definitely be in China for all of this!

Thoughts? I think I babbled a little, but in my defense I'm writing this at 1 am!


Summer Bucket List (TIU)

So, the blog I mostly follow for fitness (and am now trying to follow strictly!) just posted this great idea for a summer bucket list. I love it (not to mention I have a tendency towards lists all the time). So here is my mini-list for my goals for the summer. They're not terribly exciting but I do have a lot I need and want to get done before I head back to school mid-August.

1. Read at least five books by the end of summer. Finishing started ones count! I just finished Mindy Kaling's book, and now I'm on to finishing the second book in the Game of Thrones series. Seriously, if you need something to keep you going between seasons, pick up the books. They go into the detail the show simply cannot do. My other two books are going to include Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson because I've started it, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi, and a more "literary"-esque book, but I'm not sure what yet.

2. Have more energy. I want to be able to not need a nap by the end of summer. I can tell my health and fitness levels by how long I can sleep for. When I'm really bad--m&m's for all meals, gym shoes gathering dust--I need to nap to get through the day. And I hit the snooze button on those naps until I just turn it off altogether. When I'm healthy and fit, even when I'm crazy busy, I don't need naps. I want to be active by the end of the summer--work out routines are regular, etc.
3. Have most of my thesis research organized and read. I do not want to be stressed next year! My plan is to at least have my thesis research well organized (highlighter, notes, the works) and ready for me to reference as I'm writing next year.

4. Travel within the East Coast. My big travel plans were scratched, but I'd like to explore new places and cities by the end of the summer. I'd love to return to NYC and explore there more as well as DC and even Philly.
5. Become a runner! I want to pick-up running so bad. I know you should just start, but that's not worked for me in the past. I'm building up my workout abilities slowly but surely, starting with the elliptical and power walking, and working my strength up to start running little by little. My school has a 5K in the early fall, and I want to run in it!
6. Write more. I swear I have the best novel ideas that will give you a book hangover like now other, but it's my actual process of writing that's holding me back. Better writers, write and read more. I want to put pen to paper (NOT just fingers to keyboard) a lot more. Maybe have some stories or whole poems written?

What's on your bucket list?